bLOG Tips for Preparing Financial audit

Tips for Preparing Financial Audit

Determine your arrangement At the point when you get together with your bookkeeper, you need to educate them about your drawn out plans, what you need to do and where you hope to be. This will help them determine proper wellsprings of money and bookkeeping. Check the audit team Prior to surrendering you monetary data to an auditor you need to decide whether they are pretty much as dependable as they guarantee. Meeting possible auditors and request to talk with the individual who will deal wit ...

bLOG Advantages of Outsourcing bookkeeping

Advantages of Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Here are the best 4 advantages of Outsourcing bookkeeping that you can appreciate too: Additional time Re-appropriating your business' accounting activities saves important time that can be placed into bettering the organization. Backend office capacities can be a hefty interruption from the everyday running of things and having your accounting in-house can prompt an irreconcilable circumstance. All of these time-squanderers and interruptions require to leave sight, out of brain. Outsourcing B ...

bLOG Accounting Firms min 1

Accounting Software

What is Accounting Software? Accounting software is adequate for consultants, new companies and independent ventures and can deal with their necessities effectively. Examine the requirement for this product with your accomplices and chiefs. Do you really need it? Above all else decide if you need accounting & bookkeeping software for your business. Bookkeeping software costs cash and you need time to pick the best kind and figure out how to utilize it productively. A bookkeeping softwa ...



Insurance Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties i.e. the insurance company (insurer) and the individual (insured). In this, the insurance company promises to make good the losses of the insured on happening of the insured contingency. The contingency is the event which causes a loss. It can be the death of the policyholder or damage/destruction of the property. It’s called a contingency because there’s an uncertainty regarding happening of the event. The insured pays a premium ...

Profitability Ratios

Profitability Ratios

Profitability Ratios Profitability Ratios represents the final performance of the company i.e. how profitable the company. It also represents how profitable owner’s funds have been utilized in the company. Types of Profitability Ratio: Return on Equity Earnings Per Share III. Dividend Per Share Price Earnings Ratio Return on Capital Employed Return on Assets VII. Gross Profit VIII. Net Profit Return on Equity This ratio measures the Profitability of equ ...

PF Withdrawal Process

PF Withdrawal Process

PF Withdrawal Process According PF Withdrawal Process to the EPF Act, to claim the final PF settlement, one has to retire from service after attaining 58 years of age. The total PF balance includes the employee's contribution and that of the employer, along with the accrued interest. In addition, he will be eligible to get the Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) amount as well depending on the years of service. Along with the PF, one is also allowed to withdraw the EPS amount if the service pe ...

e Aadhar Card Download

e-Aadhar Card Download

e-Aadhar Card Download by Using Aadhaar Number (EID) If you want to download and print e-Aadhaar card download online, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps: Step 1: Visit the Aadhar official website Step 2: Click on ‘Download Aadhaar’ option Step 3: Select the “Aadhaar” option under “I Have” section Step 4: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number. Select the “Masked Aadhaar” option if you do not want to show full digits of your Aadhaar number Step 5: En ...

capital budgeting

Capital Budgeting

Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting is a process of evaluating investments and huge expenses in order to obtain the best returns on investment. An organization is often faced with the challenges of selecting between two projects/investments or the buy vs replace decision. Ideally, an organization would like to invest in all profitable projects but due to the limitation on the availability of capital an organization has to choose between different projects/investments. Capital expenditur ...

capital gain

Capital Gain

CAPITAL GAIN Income under the Capital Gains 4.1 Chargeability: Capital gains shall be chargeable to tax if the following conditions are satisfied: There should be a capital asset. In other words, the asset transferred should be a capital asset on the date of transfer; It should be transferred by the taxpayer during the previous year; There should be profits or gain as a result of the transfer. 4.2 Meaning of Capital Asset Capital Asset is defined to include: Any k ...

reverse charge mechanisms

Reverse Charge Mechanism

Reverse Charge Mechanism Under Normal Scenario, tax is paid by a supplier who makes a supply of goods or services or both. However, under Reverse Charge Mechanism, liability to pay tax would not be on the supplier of goods or services or both but on the recipient of such goods or services or both. Some of the reasons for the levy of tax under reverse charge mechanism wherein the person receiving the goods or services is liable to pay tax are as follows: Supplier of the goods or servic ...