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Accounting Services Package
[wrc-pricing-table id=”11″]Financial Accounting & Advisory Services (FAAS)
Financial Accounting in UAE standards play a essential role in worldwide financial reporting as countries across the world are implementation them. Advisory Services in UAE provides a global language for business matters so that company accounts are more reasonable. The rules are being reviewed regularly to present useful and related information clearly to users thereby bringing important changes to accounting processes for financial statement preparers. With a complete financial reporting knowledge and industry experience, our practitioners can design/engineer accounting and financial reporting processes without much annoyance.
What are the information required to conduct IFRS Impact Assessment?
[tx_row] [tx_column size=”1/2″] 1. Audited financials for the direct two previous financial years.2. Accounting manuals, if any adopted by the management.
3. All details of various types of agreements (whether written or verbal) entered with customers of the company.
4. Agreements/ Contracts/ relevant Invoices.
[/tx_column] [tx_column size=”1/2″] 5. Detailed classification of Financial Assets & Financial Liabilities.
6. Details of contract income, costs in year previous year anticipated projects for the current year etc.
7. Other relevant information, supporting documents as and when required.
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