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Compliance Package
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[tx_row] [tx_column size=”1/2″]Annual ROC Forms India Filing for Company
All ROC Forms India companies incorporated are mandatory to file certain documents with the Registrar of Companies every year. Let down to comply with the regulations could effect in penalties and fines for the Officers or the Company or Directors. Hence, it is significant for Management personnel of a company to be conscious of all the essential compliances for the company and comply on time.
Form AOC-4 – Financial Statements & Other Documents
All companies are mandatory to file its financial statements and mandatory attachments using Form AOC-4 each year. In case the financial statements of the company are not approved in an Annual General Meeting then un-approved financial statements should be filed within 30 days of date of AGM. If financial statements are approved by the company, then the approved financial statements must be filed within 30 days of the AGM. In case ROC Forms India company needs to review the financial statement or Board’s report, then reviewed financial statements can also be filed using Form AOC-4.
Form MGT-7 – Annual Return
Form MGT-7 is the annual return of the company encompassing data about the company at the close of a financial year. The main data contained in the annual return or Form MGT-7 is
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- Particulars of registered office of the company, principal business events, particulars of its holding, subsidiary and associate companies;
- Share, debentures and other refuges and shareholding pattern;
- Indebtedness;
- Members and debenture-holders along with variations there since the close of the previous financial year;
- Promoters, directors, key executive personnel along with variations therein since the close of the previous financial year;
- Conferences of members or a class thereof, Board and its various committees along with attendance particulars;
- Renumeration of Directors and key managerial personnel;
- Penalty or punishment forced on the company, its Directors or Officers and details of compounding of offences and petitions made against such penalty or punishment;
- Matters connecting to certification of compliances, disclosures as may be prescribed;
- Shareholding pattern of the company; and such other matters as mandatory in the form.